A tested framework that serve as the vehicle for advancing high-impact collective impact projects.
Formula for Success Heading link
Learn more about the framework and the formula for our success:
Employing Collective Impact model to empower data-informed changes and enhance student success at UIC.
Additional resources used for shaping SSI project management structure:
- 5 Critical Steps in the Change management process, by Harvard Business School, 2020 https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/change-management-process
- Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work, By Fay Hanleybrown, John Kania, & Mark Kramer, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2012 https://ssir.org/articles/entry/channeling_change_making_collective_impact_work
- Who Has the D?: How Clear Decision Roles Enhance Organizational Performance by Paul Rogers and Marcia W. Blenko, Harvard Business Review, 2006 https://hbr.org/2006/01/who-has-the-d-how-clear-decision-roles-enhance-organizational-performance
- Explicit support of the campus higher leadership
- Campus-level visibility and buy-in
- Clearly defined roles and responsibilities
- Detailed record keeping and transparency in reporting to campus community
- Intentional assessment
- Resources for implementation
- Sustainability tracking
- A leadership team priorities projects, defines the charge, and identifies the team composition;
- An Advisory Board provides high-level input that guides the future projects or plans for implementation;
- Project sponsors invite the project team and launch the project;
- Project manager informs the lead(s) and team members of the project management framework and the reporting expectations;
- Project team keep a detail record of their work and prepare a final report at the conclusion;
- Project manager posts all project reports on the project webpage;
- Project manager informs the project sponsors, SSI leadership team, and the SSI Advisory Board about the completed projects and the required support for implementation of the outcomes/recommendations.