Project Management Framework Heading link

The Office of Project Management for Student Success Initiatives (OPMSSI) operated from 2014 to Fall 2024, utilizing a tailored project management framework to support high-impact projects aimed at enhancing student success at UIC. This framework facilitated collaboration among project leads, team members, and sponsors, ensuring the successful completion of initiatives designed to remove barriers and promote equitable progress toward degree completion.

The project documentation system captures the project plan, research outcomes, progress reports, and final reports. The project management framework facilitated the monitoring of the progress of each project and offers transparency about the work. Key project documents, as well as regular status reports, are shared with the campus community via the project website.

Roles and Responsibilities Heading link

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities within this framework:

Project Sponsor is a higher-level campus leader who is in the position of advocating for the success of the project.  Even though, the sponsor will not be involved in the day-to-day activities of the project, they:

  • Receive project updates as needed;
  • Step in when additional support is necessary for the progress and success of the project;
  • Advocate for the required resources for the implementation of the project objectives;
  • Meet with the project lead(s) and team members at specific milestones to ensure the success of the project;
  • May advocate for one-time fund that enables completion or implementation of a project goal, changing of the project timeline, replacement of project team members, or leads.

Project Lead(s)

  • Serve as the project representative with the sponsor(s), the project manager, and the leadership team.
  • Lead the project team meetings and share updates;
  • Assign tasks to team members and oversees project activities;
  • Communicate with project stakeholders, invites experts, and requests additional support to empower the team to meet the expected outcomes;
  • Lead the completion of key project documentations, such as this document, bi-monthly status report, and final report;
  • Present requests for resources to the project sponsor(s) through the project manager;
  • Proactively problem solve, brainstorm with the project manager and/or sponsor(s) for addressing risks and removing roadblocks;
  • Provide feedback about assessment after the completion of the project.

Project Team

  • Carries out project tasks to meet project objectives;
  • Create/contribute to project deliverables such as the project reports;
  • Contribute to various project tasks based on their topic expertise and insight;
  • Serve as first line of defense in issue and risk mitigation;
  • Serve as liaisons and project advocate to stakeholders.

Project Manager

  • Manages overall scope and timeline of the project;
  • Monitors project reporting and communications;
  • Works with the SSI leadership team and the project lead(s) to ensure the healthy progress toward project objectives;
  • Monitors and intervenes to address issues and risks;
  • Reviews and archives all project documentations;
  • Provides assistance to project lead(s) and team members to reduce the demand on their time;
  • Ensures clear communications among project stakeholders;
  • Creates and updates project webpage, under the Student Success Initiative’s website;
  • Follows up with project lead(s) for impact assessment and sustainability feedback.

SSI Leadership Team

  • Meets monthly to identify and prioritize high-impact projects, finalize the charge, and team membership;
  • Serve as the backbone that empowers the collective impact for elevating the student success at UIC;
  • Promote the visibility of the SSI work and advocates with the higher leadership;
  • Brainstorm to address project roadblocks and advocate for the success of the implementation.

SSI Advisory Board

  • Meets once a semester along with the SSI Leadership team to receive updates about ongoing SSI project and share input to guide future efforts;
  • Advocates for the resources required for the implementation of the project objectives;
  • Promotes the necessary buy-in at the campus for the implementation of high-impact projects, designed to enhance equitable; progress to degree and remove roadblocks for student success.

Reporting and Documentations Heading link

Learn more about expectations for reporting and documentation in this framework:

A document prepared by the project lead(s) and team members to provide clarity about the project objectives, expected outcomes, required support, roles, and responsibilities, at the onset of the project work. Project Management Plan document is posted to the project webpage by the project manager.

A brief bi-monthly report prepared by the project lead(s) to share about the project progress, challenges, and milestones with the UIC community and key project stakeholders. Status reports are posted to the project webpage by the project manager.

A report prepared by the project lead(s) and team members at the conclusion of the work, capturing the findings, recommendations, impact of the outcome, and sustainability plans for the outcomes. Final report is posted to the project webpage by the project manager.

Minutes from the team meetings includes the list of attendees, time, and location, provide details on issues, risks, decisions, and action plans. The minutes are stored in a designated blue-stem protected folder shared with the project team, sponsors, and the SSI leadership team. Minutes may be prepared by any of the team members or a graduate assistant who is assigned as a team support.

All documents related to the project work are stored by the project lead(s), in a designated blue-stem protected folder shared with the project team, sponsors, and the SSI leadership team. Documents may include relevant literature, data, survey results, or reports.

Project Management Tools Heading link

Learn more about project management tools that may facilitate the work of a project team:

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a deliverable-orientated hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team, designed to help project teams accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. The WBS organizes and defines the total scope of the project. (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2004, 3rd ed., p 112.)  Download the Work Breakdown Structure template.

A list of project tasks in the form of a schedule with built-in dependencies and milestones. The work plan can be used as the “road map” for a project. Download the Project Workplan template.

A log of risks, issues, and decisions for a project, which is used to facilitate project execution and documentation of a project. Download the Project Log template.