Engagement through Incentivized Activities
Student Engagement through Incentivized Activities Heading link
Project Sponsor and Team Members
Project Sponsors
- Sue Farruggia, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Assessment and Planning
- Fred McCall, Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Engagement & Interim Dean of Students
Project Team
- Keith Ellis, Interim Director, Campus Housing
- Vanessa Johnson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Marketing, Strategic Marketing and Communications
- Kate Poirier, Program Coordinator for Commuter and Off-Campus Life
- Hannah Stevens, Assistant Director for Athletics Marketing & Fan Development
- Brent Talbot, Head of Music, School of Theater and Music
- Lauren Wiebe, Marketing Associate, UIC Arena
- Daniel Wilson, Assessment Specialist for Student Affairs
Project Leads and Objectives
Project Leads
- Kevin Scheibler, Director of Arena
- Joy Vergara, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement
Project Objectives
To explore and establish a comprehensive program for enhancing students’ sense of belonging and connection to school spirit through incentivized engagement activities. This team reviews existing UIC engagement data, identifies resources, outlines details, and implements the incentivized engagement program.
Project Management and Status Heading link
Project Management Plan
This document outlines the project objectives, scope, expected outcomes, expectations, roles and responsibilities.
Click here to open PDF file.
Project Documents and Reports
Project Progress Indicator
